Wild Card Weekend

When one of my least-favorite players is part of the reason that one of my least-favorite teams blew a huge lead in a playoff game, then it's time for (at least) two pictures instead of just one.  

Congrats to Tim for going undefeated.

All of us had Buffalo and Cincinnati; it's just a matter of who took Minnesota and/or Tampa Bay.

Carter has not been able to re-create his regular season luck so far... but it's early.
Scot's AFC picks are working out much better than his NFC picks.

Here are everyone's picks so far
Please fill out the rest of the bracket and email it by Saturday. 



  1. Wallyball 2022 Regular Season Payouts (*= paid out)
    1st Place $260 Carter Brown
    2nd Place $130 Greg Barry
    3rd Place $78 Scott Kujiraoka
    .500 $52 Paul Fukumoto
    2nd to Last $20 Walton Mew
    Last Place $10 Dave Brown
    Playoffs $20 each Colin Kuo, Al Rodriguez
    Holiday $40 Jay Kuo
    November Sprint $30 Ryan Barry
    *First Tie* $2.50 each Greg Barry, Gregory Speth, Scot MacGregor, Jay Kuo

    Thanks for being patient with the payouts, our Receiving Department got caught up with FTX. :)
    All above payouts going out Friday 1/20/23.


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